I assume these shoes are going to fall apart in short order as some previous buyers have indicated due to the poor material and workmanship from over seas. Auch das Lederfußbett ist weich und angenehm. knee high heel boots wide calf Están muy buenos siento que vienen una talla más grande mi nena es 17 le quede poquito grande. 00 cost of returning them added to insult to disappointment. knee high heel boots wide calf They fit well and I like the fabric. knee high heel boots wide calf Love, love, love them! I fully expect to buy a pair of slippers when the weather gets colder, wear them throughout winter, and then trash them in spring. I like the case, too, with its digital display. knee high heel boots wide calf I usually love Mukluk slippers and replace them once about one a year. Fabulous flip flops, worth every penny.
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