I won’t wear them, but the return policy of the seller isn’t conducive to fairness. This case can charge my phone 1&1/2 times before going totally flat. isabel marant bobby look a like The reason why it got one star is because the little metal “reef” label itches and breaks me out when it’s against my skin. Usually around twice a year depending on the sale, these go for 40 bucks per pop here on amazon. isabel marant bobby look a like I did about a dozen 10-20 mile rides with no problems. isabel marant bobby look a like They are way better than the white apple earbuds that always break. It helps to check off and lay out the pieces ahead of time to be sure all of the parts are there. Until I didnt. isabel marant bobby look a like Sound quality is very good. I let them know that I was experiencing issues, and they got back to me immediately offering great customer service and a replacement including their newer version.
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