Quedan justas pero muy cómodas, las use llegando y se sientes muy bien, con otras sandalias me duele mucho el talón pero con estas descansa súper bien, padezco de fasciitis y estás sandalias son perfectas! Most of the wear has been to and from the car and an occasional trip to walmart. have a nike day nike shoes Compared to the shoes I got and my kids got was much more thin. 5 or 11 depending on shoe type. have a nike day nike shoes To return, the shipping costs 60%+ the cost of the racks. have a nike day nike shoes It did take a second to get them in my ears but after two hours straight they were still comfortable. Im not going to pick my phone from my pocket every time I want to do something. Im not going trough the process of returning them again. have a nike day nike shoes Im happy. The design is super cute, I love slides but am always on the search for more feminine ones, and not ones that look like my husbands.
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