It was a bit large but if feels nice on the feet. 写真通りのものが来て満足です。ちゃんと正規品でした。ただ、素足で履くことを想定して購入したのですが、足の至る所で靴ずれを起こしました。よく見ると足のバンドの両端がかなりざらざらしていたり、足の裏がつくところがところどころ痛かったりと履いてみてわかることが多くありました。靴下を履くなどで対応すれば問題ないかと思います。デザインをとても気に入っているので個人的には何も後悔していません。今後も活用していく予定です。 fire truck hidden side They stuck really good at first. I bought these KEEN shoes for my 8 yr old for school this year as I we had the grey and blue version last year and I was very impressed with their durability and how they held up. fire truck hidden side I’m a 7. fire truck hidden side These sneakers are very light and really comfortable to wear. They aren’t super soft / squishy like my Under Armors. They are good but I’m not sure they’re $100 good more like $50-$60. fire truck hidden side The part that goes between your toes has been an issue in the past so I rarely even consider a sandal that has one. Sturdiness is excellent.
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