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The height for me is perfect, lower than the 3M but I like it better. I never was a big fan of the lack of bass in the HD600 and preferred the HD558 that I own for OVERALL sound. funda capazo uppababy vista I plan to purchase another set of three to completely end the life cycle of any remaining moths. The produce works great for what it is but one of the holes was stripped and the screw just slides in and out. funda capazo uppababy vista The smell is a little masculine but its very light and doesnt stick with you. funda capazo uppababy vista The sound is not very loud. Its a better headset than the Logitecs and Platronics ones Ive had in the past that cost more than double. 2 duffle bags. funda capazo uppababy vista I hear more, the response is fast and it really helped me pay attention to my game better. They’re just so cute!
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