Very comfortable to walk in for hours on ends. This bike stand took only 30 minutes to assemble. signature wild art de parfum Easy to assembly. My biggest concern was battery life (because I wear headphones my whole 8 hour shift and that was by far the most crucial factor for me) and using them a couple weeks here are the very encouraging and satisfying details:1) Each bud last about 3 hours give or take a few minutes. signature wild art de parfum Other brands feel like I am walking barefoot ( no padding). signature wild art de parfum However, once received and started to use I noticed only one side of the headset was working I have to play with the ox connection and hold it very tightly in order for the shout out from the other side. All in all, they are a good deal and can, at the least, get you started in the world of rollers. Watch has to be near phone to receive messages/notifications, I havent gauged the distance yet. signature wild art de parfum Like most things they don’t make it like they used to. I would not recommend it for a full fledged house party, but it makes pretty impressive sound for a quiet beach, or hotel pool area, or just on a balcony to enjoy some music.
signature wild art de parfum