This honestly might be my favorite bike accessory purchase so far. What I ended up doing, was using a trowel for leverage. john paul la belle Then I used it once in twenty-five foot of water. Like litterally tilts to one side and then the plastic frame cracks and the whole thing bends itself like it has no frame at all, then the poles will tear through the canvas and it will collapse in the middle of your room. john paul la belle The screen is big, bright and clear. john paul la belle Sonys EarBuds doenst have a mesh on the earbuds (you can see the earphonesdriver throught the earbuds hole),which is not a big problems but is more proneof it falls into water. Size fit as expected very comfortable and a nice touch to any summer outfit. I can say that I can wear these for long periods with no foot pain. john paul la belle I bought him the brown color and he really likes the look of it and the stitching around the front of the slipper. Night Sight blew my mind.
john paul la belle