these" chips "are paper thin and eat like paper. The aluminum heat shield also needs to be removed. by kilian fragrantica For such an inexpensive scuff these are great. As on photo, cute and fluffy. by kilian fragrantica Jai acheté ce tapis avec la souris G502 et les soucis dutilisation au quotidien ont disparus. by kilian fragrantica Tear Aid is a patch for PVC and dries instantly. But if you plan to use it to help lose weight and not just look skinny then do size down. El audio son nitidos, los bajos no son fuertes pero sí están muy nivelados los sonidos así que considero que es para todo tipo de cliente. by kilian fragrantica I actually bought these for my liquid daily vitamins. For me, ANC in mid setting is just the right balance.
by kilian fragrantica