Es muy bonito cover y se ve y está de lujo This option is being offered as a courtesy in lieu of sending your item to us for inspection, which is our normal warranty process. de blue channel The fact is I like this item A LOT. Received package opened de blue channel Reminds me of 99 when i hear this de blue channel This company may inconvenience you terribly but you will get a very high quality unit in the end, despite the inconvenience but maybe Advenor has solved their issues with sending out units without missing parts. I can also get the headphones in quite comfortably without having to retract the headband so its great for real world ease of use. Inside, the FLIMSY foam insert that is supposed to cradle the speaker WILL NOT STAY IN PLACE. de blue channel Problems are solved with cut out inserts to sit on the shelf bases and by putting a few more small spice/herb containers to stabilize these on the shelves. but this is a solid speaker and super portable.
de blue channel