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Samsung comparisons are overblown; both are good watches, but obviously you should match your watch to your phone-I dont think theres a better smartwatch available at the moment, but Im only giving this watch 4 stars because I dont think smartwatch technology has fully matured at this stage; Id say there are no 5 star smartwatches at the momentBottom line: The Galaxy Watch does almost everything I was hoping for, and does it pretty well-My settings: AoD on with a simple face, brightness 3, location It works very well and held up to some real work.
maquina para cortar pelo media markt I think these make great house shoes! As can be seen from the pictures, in eight months (really only four or five of actual use in mostly dry conditons) they have started to fall apart.
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maquina para cortar pelo media markt The book ends on a massive cliff hanger, and thankfully book 2 continues the rich vein of twists and suspense. I wish this book was in print back in the late 1980s.
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