I like these shoes but the sizing is wrong and they were too small for me. I have the turn the sound all the way up on my phone just to hear. shaghaf oud abyad swiss arabian She likes them very much. I secreted it away with me to my new phone. shaghaf oud abyad swiss arabian They dont even come close to fitting the vehicle. shaghaf oud abyad swiss arabian The shoe seems to be made well as I havent had any issues of being uncomfortable from the sole of the shoe were the fabric meets the squishier part, and the back of the shoe doesnt rub on my ankle like I was worried about. -Case is plastic so any significant drops might damage the charging case or possibly the earbuds if they fly out as well. I have been wearing Chacos forever because they last a long time and fit my feet really well including awesome arch support. shaghaf oud abyad swiss arabian Well i dont want to do that when im jogging to hear my surroundings, then i cant hear the music. Hopefully,, others will be available son.
shaghaf oud abyad swiss arabian