One came with no hardware and the other had a hole where it didn’t belong. Installation was very simple and all parts were easily labeled. one x perfume price Haven’t checked the battery charge time but 15 hours is more than enough for me. One flip-flop is red and one flip-flop is green these are ridiculous and so is the imagery. one x perfume price I got this for my girlfriend so she could listen to her podcasts, YouTube videos, or music in the shower. one x perfume price A little intimidating opening the box, but once I got a system down I had it set up and in its spot in about 30 minutes. Its a nice strong case it closes good that it muffles sound of the speaker so I can say slightly waterproof so rain or splash of water but not submergeable. This shoe rack is ultra easy to put together. one x perfume price Really solid, especially for the price. Now this is what I call a waist trainer.
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