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I like it loud and to me they sound truly spectacular for the price with EQ set to Late Night and Soundcheck off at about 75% volume. Sound is okay TBH, but the cables are of very very cheap quality.
tacon de salon Its not as deep as the center unit, but there are lights in the top of my closet and the shorter depth of the side shelves allow me to use the top shelf for storage and not worry about breaking a bulb when I pull something out. Some products you can do it without, but read the instruction.
tacon de salon They were a little tight when i went to put them on so I untied the laces and loosened them up.
tacon de salon Yes it allows for that, which is great, because you can recharge while using it at the same time. Ive worn Crocs Specialists for years and although they do wear out after about two months with daily wear, they are very comfortable. Update:Loved them for about 6 months, then I tried to listen to something yesterday and they had died.
tacon de salon Sandals were quite comfortable but quickly became nonfunctional. Model O at 70g).
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