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The construction is very cute and the box fits in my regular pocket/bag. Not to mention that the heel of one shoe was completely broken & torn apart, hanging by a thread (no exaggeration!
botas de combate para mujer I liked these enough to buy them again, they are soft and cool, but have just the right weighty-ness (this is entirely objective, but I dont like the lighter than air pillows at all). I have lowered the rating to 3 stars because I already have holes in the soles of the slippers.
botas de combate para mujer I went back to their site and bought their full weight set.
botas de combate para mujer The button location are solid enough for me to be satisfied the only issue I have with this mouse is that the scroll wheel now spins freely and is one hell of a headache playing most fps games as the wheel usually switches weapons in most games. I CANT SAY ENOUGH ABOUT THESE HEADPHONES. Just walked around town going up and down the stairs no problem.
botas de combate para mujer I’m very happy with the purchase. I have had these several months and am still using the two I originally put on the pods!
botas de combate para mujer