I wouldnt say it has a premium build but it doesnt feel cheap either. 5を選びました。色は子供が選んだ明るいブルーと黄緑の配色です。届いた時「派手!」と思いましたが子供は気に入っています。川遊びにも脱げないし公園遊びにも毎日活躍しています。購入前に私のテバとキーンウイスパーを(同サイズなので)試し履きさせましたがストラップが当たって痛いと嫌がりました。こちらは快適に使えているようです。キーンを割引で2000円台で買えたのもオトクでした。 cacharel yes i am 75ml I am a stay-at-home mom and wear slippers CONSTANTLY. Let me start by saying that I needed this in a dark color, but it didnt come in black/brown, so I ordered it in white and then sprayed it a light coat of chocolate brown and it turned out perfectly. cacharel yes i am 75ml It took him less than 30 minutes. cacharel yes i am 75ml Der Aspekt entfällt bei Nutzung eines Kopfhörerverstärkers und Klinkenkabel im Übrigen. I know it stinks to have to do extra to something after youve already paid for it, but hey, its relatively cheap compared to other cabinets and the tune ups needed to make it better arent costly at all. Just too much pressure around your head. cacharel yes i am 75ml But knowing what I know now I would not buy this again. Great design, great price.
cacharel yes i am 75ml