I realized the sole was super stiff and not broke in. My first impression, putting them on in my living room, was that they were not very cushioned. chanel chance citrus This cable works great to charge my iPhone Xs. I wanted to love these shoes, because they truly are so pretty and perfect with my wedding dress, but the strap is so flimsy it felt like it was going to rip apart and fly off my foot with each step. chanel chance citrus I play Pickleball in these shoes and they are excellent! chanel chance citrus but are good playing shows overall. I mean paying 4 times the price to have a 20 to 30 percent increase in audio quality is t worth it. If you have a smaller head/ears, this headset might work perfectly for you. chanel chance citrus Fit:The headband is incredibly large. they have that weird Chinese chemical smell but just wash them and they are good.
chanel chance citrus