They seem tight compared to original Crocs / unlined water shoes that Ive worn for 4 years. This thing works great and the sound quality is much better than expected for a wireless mic at this price. chanel misia eau de parfum I often just removed my muffs when no live fire was occurring. Can’t compare to more expense products other than to say: with headphones, I want good sound quality and long life between charges, and these deliver. chanel misia eau de parfum I could only wear Vionics but no more. chanel misia eau de parfum Bought a 5. I DJ with in-ear monitors, so I bought these for casual listening, backups/consumer references for tracking and mixing, and situations where Im playing with another electronic artist and I need to hear the mains directly. Overall the HD 599s were slightly less comfortable than the 770s but the open back quality was convenient and the sound was quite nice. chanel misia eau de parfum I bought an 8 in these based on what other people said. However thats more of a nitpick and may vary from person to person.
chanel misia eau de parfum