Honestly this thing is fabulous even my surgeon was impressed and asked where I got it. But the longevity of the sole is always a concern with tennis shoes and I will have to see how they are a few months from now. chanel no5 sale I also love how easy they connect to my smart phone device. The you tube directions for setting up the camera are helpful. chanel no5 sale I put the strap on the tightest setting and still have a bit of gapping on the sides, which does not bother me enough to return the shoe as I will be wearing thicker socks in the colder months. chanel no5 sale Thankful for the adjustable buckles otherwise they would be too big. Ive actually seen this product cheaper on Amazon but without the GARMIN logo; appears to be the same thing. In the manual is says CO and combustible gas detector. chanel no5 sale If you have thin feet you should be fine with ur size. Im a little concerned about the traction on the bottom, it is kind of minimal, so we will see how the plastic holds up.
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