Pero realmente un muy buen mueble. Every time I pick up my leather covered, chrome edged case, a little smug, smile of satisfaction comes across my face. de delicious I dont have a clue as to why it failed, but these types of failures are usually because of a connection failure near the junction where the jack is, or where the wire enters one of the buds. I always hated shaving near there and using scissors can be dangerous. de delicious There is nothing I do,not like about this product, the reason I ordered replacements to begin with is the others would not stay on, these will as they are a tight fit. de delicious Im buying another order. This prevents me from pulling it out accidentally. 2/extremely portable. de delicious - Doesnt light up and match my keyboard! Perfette l’ho usate tutta l’estate e non si sono rovinate
de delicious