Extremely light in weight; these weigh mere ounces. I unfortunately found the combat to not be as fun or fluid as that from Odyssey, though I have to say, dual wielding axes is pretty dope and the finishing moves are great. loewe woman 001 review seem top notch. Maybe lube your feet if you really want to wear these without socks?In conclusion, these are nice shoes designed to fit your feet like second skin. loewe woman 001 review Well made & value is good, will keep these as there are many potential uses. loewe woman 001 review Maybe Im just superstitious and they tested this design and found it better than a rigid mount. Quality control?- I think not ! No matter how much I tighten it, it comes loose. loewe woman 001 review Great way to stand by your product. Really CUTE and looks durable.
loewe woman 001 review