But since its hardly noticeable, it would probably be fine to wear them outside like that. i go to test how it sounded and it had a very distinct buzzing sound. op6529 Have had them for about 2 months and the foam hasnt collapsed yet. Check out the pics to see what Im talking about op6529 My son measured at a smaller size as per their sizing chart (using the inches and cm they indicate for sole lenth - GO BY THAT). op6529 That’s when I performed a test to find out that the power beats pro leak sound to the outside Terribly. 11/14 Updated to 2 stars:--the bluetooth connectivity issue (i. Bereits das zweite Gerät im Einsatz in unserem Büro. op6529 Right out of the box you can feel a nice quality in the weight and material of the plastic. For the first 6 months they only received light duty work in a bike shop.