Ich habe mich bewusst für die B&O H3 entschieden, da in vielen Produktrezensionen und Youtube Videos von einer naturgetreuen Klangwiedergabe zu lesen/hören war und ich diese übertriebenen Bässe wie ich sie von meinen viel günstigeren AKG On-Ear Kopfhörern kenne nicht so sehr mag. Strings are gloriously open. rado watches price list with images They could do the screw hole a little bit bigger but beside of that its a perfect guitar stand. I had previously bought another cord for my astro a10 headset because the stock cable was so sensitive that when I accidentally tugged on the cord it started making loud static sounds in my ear. rado watches price list with images Edit : After about a month the sound sounded distorted and was not usable. rado watches price list with images I got both the jumbo and the large bags. Would definitely buy them again I tried restarting them, and the sound came back on for 30 seconds only to go away forever. rado watches price list with images When I shop for headphones its important for each ear to be able to paired independently. Okay Ok , so I was a little skeptical when I got this phone mount .
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