The return date deadline had also passed on this pair, so Im stuck with a second pair of defective Keens. After speaking to Thule, they told me this knob + the carbon frame adapter is made for transporting Carbon - which personally begs the question, why isnt there a bundle with the two together?Anyway, The knob itself does feel very tight when clamping - to the point you wouldnt want to use it on carbon but actually when you undo the knob again the pressure doesnt actually feel so bad & I tried it on a steel frame bike and found I could still force/move the bike around inside the clamp so it isnt really best series to stream now These water shoes are not going to last a lifetime. then again i live in south florida maybe these werent the best choice but i still like them best series to stream now Editing-wise, it still needs help but is still so much better than what Im currently reading. best series to stream now The other bad news is that Sennheiser has not yet listed any replacement parts other than the cable. The automation here is janky so if you do not receive a code, contact customer service and request that your issue be sent to the marketing team. The beige color is not the same as the HD598. best series to stream now -HyperX has provided new firmware for their headsets in the past, and will hopefully do that for CloudX! In fact, they hurt my feet because they were so stiff and they rubbed against the top of my feet.
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