There are 2 solid steel safety pins 1” in diameter which are 32 1/4 inches long thereby providing the 24” length between posts and 3 1/4” bar catch on the outside of the rack. If I was only having transmission issues in the other room Id still be using these over the Steelseries, but as-is these are completely useless. skmei 1451 So the 11 is to long. So although these are nice authentic clogs, if you shop around, you will find them for less, and without an expiration date to return with no racecourse after that. skmei 1451 I’m glad to help push technology forward but I maybe should have saved for a VR threadmill instead. skmei 1451 I am upgrading this part of the review to a 5/5 because the above mention bug seemed to be only a 1 time issue early on in the pairing and not a ongoing issue! READ THE OTHER REVIEWS! Its straightforward to install. skmei 1451 they also took forever to arrive and when i wanted to return them it was gonna cost over $100 to ship them back. If you are going to camp or do small chores in your garden or walk around some light trails, this boots will work for you.
skmei 1451