I dont require wide width shoes, but they are nice to have sometimes. I have kinda big ears so they comfortably sit and stay in my ears. verizon smart watch ), not able to walk or do much of anything because my silly ego thinks I need to wear hooker heels at all times. Admittedly, we haven’t owned them for long so I can’t speak to the battery life. verizon smart watch - The legs are firmly attached to the mounting point - not feeling like they are about to fall off! verizon smart watch It can accept the weight of two e-bikes. They are sturdy and I tried to make them slide after they were installed and they didn’t budge. It was poorly attached to the metal which was also bent and not flush with the shelf/wall. verizon smart watch In just weeks, the plastic has changed colour and looks like it’s rotting! •When you put them in make sure you put them heel to heel rather than top to top, otherwise you risk them getting dirty and/or damaging the leather especially if they’re suede or nubeck.
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