They finally released an update nearly a week and a half to two weeks after the initial ban. I had to repair before I could even use. chanel deauville tote beige The cush fins are a good idea, but sadly are too small to use in the normal vertical position. I have a wide foot with a high arch, so I ordered the 38 -- which is the size I most often get in Dansko clogs. chanel deauville tote beige I’d recommend you go a little higher. chanel deauville tote beige Pretty but poor quality. At first I thought it would too much red, but once you put it on it’s became much more subtle. The only part that’s not wrapped is the “hinge” part. chanel deauville tote beige Which sucks because they’re so cute! I think I would still buy the half size up just because I love everything about the fit on these and I wouldnt want to risk changing anything about it.
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