確かに価格は高めですが、ノイズキャンセリングの性能は素晴らしいです。耳が痛くなることもなく、ごく自然に周囲の音を消してくれます。また、人の声などはキャンセルされないため、電車内の放送などを聞き漏らすこともありません(聞いている音楽の種類や、音量にもよりますが)。電池の持ちも十分だと思います。私は主に外出時に使用しているため、音質は言及なしとします。 Would have been a 5 star but the cons gave it the 4 stars. turenne louis vuitton 5-7 and I bought these in a 6 because that was the size that was recommended per their "questionnaire" or what ever they called it. One is the anti-skate. turenne louis vuitton Obviously I make sure to fully charge the Clip before I go out, but what rechargeable item doesnt show battery life? Thats the only flaw to this product. turenne louis vuitton Im not a violent gamer so I dont throw my headset around. Safariland ALS holsters for the TRL-1 will fit the PL-Valkyrie series. I purchased two of these and instead of returning the one I cant use I may try to modify it by opening the slot to work with my disc brake bike. turenne louis vuitton Just what i wanted. Overall great hook.
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