These are not real glob mops. The product arrived the other day and it was well packaged! felicity satchel Trotz Plastik wiegt er etwas, allein aufsetzen geht gut, erfordert aber eine gewisse Bauform des Operators. It brings so much suprise to me. felicity satchel Its a shame seven is the biggest size, it will be our last pair. felicity satchel they have been brilliant and really did help but a week or so later I have an irratic right analogue stick (was only using the ring on that analogue stick) the controller is brand new hopefully its a controller issue and not related to the control rings but will take the controller back and see what happens with the next one If you normally wear a size 9 or above, these wont fit. No wireless headphones are as good as wired. felicity satchel The problem is that JamKazam says that the rates dont match for input and output. Highly recommended and at a bargain price no less!
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