At least one of the two was in operation for at least 8 hours daily often fully consuming the battery charge. First of all it doesnt look as good. marc jacobs decadence 100 ml Eventually they got so worn that they literally fell apart and I had to replace them. Stretches easy and fits snuggly. marc jacobs decadence 100 ml Great accessory for in-ear headphones. marc jacobs decadence 100 ml In complex passages at high volume the bass distorts - pops; adding EQ, a 20Hz HPF -6dB shelf, stops this popping and in anycase as anything below 20Hz is not audible the EQ has little adverse affects (in fact I wish the headphones incorporated a gentle <20Hz HPF, as EQ in software or players is not always possible). It looked trendy without being trashy. - Easy to install brackets, screws. marc jacobs decadence 100 ml If you want some beautifully made indoors shoes, that can be used in a limited way outside then these are for you. Son las botas perfectas, diseño bonito, anchas en los dedos y no solo en los juanetes como muchas otras marcas (qué dicen ser anchas pero luego en la punta de los dedos se hacen estrechas) por supuesto al ser una bota, tiene que quedar mínimo un centímetro y medio más largo para que no te toquen las puntas de los dedos al bajar por la montaña y siempre bien abrochado.
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