Amazon has th name listed incorrectly; These are the Reebok Aztrek Double NU Pops (according to the Reebok Website), not the Double Mix Pops, which come in a set of completely different color schemes. That worked like a charm. oris artelier gmt Kurz danach ist es für über eine Sekunde weg. Contrary to some of the reviews which stated the top portion does not fall off and had no issues while using and/or carrying around, but I can tell you the top did come off easily from my experience with the case that was sent to me, maybe its a hit or miss. oris artelier gmt Mit den Buds+ war/bin ich sehr zufrieden, v. oris artelier gmt I spent the day milling a space for the countersunk locking washer and m8 tapered screw so it stays in a Delta table saw channel. I would say they are only made to wear once in awhile. I was looking for a slipper that had a firmer lugg sole . oris artelier gmt + Comes with three sizes of ear cups for a comfortable and secure ear fit. (Left is before, right is after 3 weeks).
oris artelier gmt