Love that these help us decrease our waste. Returned the product santos 2319 After about a month or two of use, I began to notice that when left-clicking and dragging files, they would be released before I was ready (and without me releasing the button). The lens array is huge. santos 2319 The polyurethane makes the shoes just a bit, hmm, humid inside. santos 2319 Charge time seems to be a couple hours and you get around 16-18 hours out of a single charge. Phenomenal sound quality, I was thinking to either get the HarmanCardon Bluetooth speaker or a Bose. Whats also impressive was how easy they are to pair. santos 2319 I have to I am pretty impressive about this product. This is hands down one of the best wired controllers I have used for the PS4 systemPersonally I am not a fan of wireless controller because of having to constantly charge them up after long gaming sessionsAfter been doubtful about buying a corded controller.
santos 2319