Only had for one month and now it stop working! Light up and sharks. nfw52071 I have slightly chunky feet and my pinky’s poke out the side. Me encantaron tenía mis reservas por ser renovados pero están bien nfw52071 Now, it doesnt stick as tightly as it did in the beginning which is the reason for dropping it down from 4 to 3 stars. nfw52071 It is so bad that last night when I went to bed I could smell them across the room in my closet! I managed to store away small items in fabric bins on the bottom so that gloves, hats and scarves are easily accessible. The product was very nice but the fit was way to small, very disappointing. nfw52071 The boots were really comfortable straight away. Great mermaid petticoat - decent quality, well made, just the right amount of poof and priced just right.