Its been just over a year and I have taken them off my car as the paint is chipping away and they look terrible. This eventually happened to all three pairs and regluing attempts did not work. gk1651 Shout out to Monster Cable for the build! He is uplifting , honest and if you ever attempted a journey across America on a bike and failed as I did you can relate to everything he shares. gk1651 I liked that they are black. gk1651 The velcro seems to hold fine. This model and the pro sound identical (at least to me). Zero issues with:- bluetooth connectivity- charging, I drop the whole case on the charging pads- sound during calls, nobody knows Im using them until I askI appreciate the portability. gk1651 Gehört habe ich: Dire Straits: Love Ober Gold, Andreas Vollenweider: Caverna Magica, Anthony David: The Powerful Now, Fall Out Boy: MANIADer erste Höreindruck war positiv: warm und angenehm mit viel Volumen vor allem in den Tiefen,ohne aber all zu dick aufzutragen. Theyve stretched a little bit so theyre more comfortable after the first two months.