Chemical smell. They are so good! 1461 double stitch You get a good amount for the money and they come in a nice reusable plastic box. He told me I should have bought a second pair. 1461 double stitch Looks like they’re just a loose press fit and then painted. 1461 double stitch I will say though the cloth earcup coverings were nice though if you have facial hair it might get quite itchy. Definitely got my moneys worth. In cold weather it gives low battery warning after just 30-45 minutes of use, although it keeps working. 1461 double stitch Me di cuenta demasiado tarde que Puma maneja medio número menos en relación con lo que se maneja en USA, esto es, 9 USA=5. As for me (Mom), I find the life story of the author, J.
1461 double stitch