But wore them twice and the bottom of the heels are sheered. The best way to describe them is a little congested sounding. adidas swift run black on black the sound quality is decent. They were so roomy that I added extra inserts, still feel a bit big and rub on my heel as I walk. adidas swift run black on black One problem Ive had is the magnet that holds the earbuds in the case is a little strong and with a lack of good grip to take out the earbuds it may take a few tries to finally get them out of the case. adidas swift run black on black Quality stitching and material everwhere. Its my happy place. I just returned them and I’ll be ordering an 8 when I get my refund. adidas swift run black on black I would suggest wearing them for a few days before using them on a trip like that. Only complaint is I wish the hood was bigger and overhung a little.
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