- Noise Isolating - Not very good. Questo orologio è veramente ottimo! magnanni hafiz I sometimes have issues with other earbuds fitting in my ears because my ears are so small but there were perfect! Needing a daily walking sandal, I decided to try the Arroyo II since it has a completely different design which will hopefully fix the premature wear problem. magnanni hafiz Musste die Hörer kein einziges Mal nachjustieren, geschweige denn wieder reinstopfen :) nachteil: case geht nicht mehr zu, aber dan lade ich halt im offenen case und popel die Dinger runter, wenn ich sie länger nicht verwende. magnanni hafiz Not the case for me. Elle est beaucoup plus solide I bought this pair of shoes 04/2019 and have worn them a minimum of 5 days a week since then. magnanni hafiz They may sound a little bright when you first get these pairs. This happened on 2 separate units.
magnanni hafiz