He has had them for just under a month now and is still very pleased with these. 87 meters but someone confused the units. aq5831 These were not at all what I expected. And the best part is that it keeps your feet warm in winter. aq5831 Im much happier with this other one. aq5831 Other than that it was smooth going, oh and remove the plastic wrap before installing lol (no, I did not make that mistake :p). Le ho comprate per andare al mare con il mio nipotino, ho letto come faccio sempre le recensioni per avere maggiori informazioni sul prodotto e la larghezza ma, quando sono arrivate erano comunque troppo grandi, ho dovuto renderle e prenderle di una misura più piccola. These headphones dont even lay on my table when I am done using them. aq5831 GrrrrrBought these begrudgingly. They also do a really good job of noise cancellation which is huge when I am on calls and our dogs are vocalizing in the background.