The EQ is very well balanced meaning these headphones give an accurate depiction of how the music was intended to sound. I have to turn it over on its front at night so I can go to sleep. h812hlhu The color seemed a little off but i can push my OCD to the side to enjoy the nights i put this on. I used copious amounts of wood glue in place of the screw. h812hlhu Jaime bien aussi le choix musical. h812hlhu So yes this phone came with a cube that doesnt work in the US but it came with two cubes. Anche la pecca di poter usare in mono solo la destra è davvero un peccato, si perde la possibilità di usare Lassistente del telefono (basta tenere premuto sulla cuffia di sinistra). I purchased this along with the matching coat rack with cubby holes. h812hlhu Very nice looking and fits perfect. I have wide feet, and I find these keens fit me well.