The straps just arent quite tight enough to keep my feet in place, but theyre awesome other than that. I try to keep one or two extra sets so we never have to go without, but inevitably we run out before weve had a chance to get more. hrf3603f Feels great, looks great and I feel like i have new headphones again. Despite me not usually wearing this type of one-ear headset, it felt light and comfortable enough that I could definitely wear it for a long time with no issues. hrf3603f On an airplane filled with screaming kids going to and from Disneyland that was not so great. hrf3603f They look very nice in the picture, but you will most definitely be disappointed. It will lift nicely and has a great tummy tuck as well. and the highs are smooth, if a little dry. hrf3603f or more importantly, the middle of a phone call for work and "Power Off" comes into my ear. An AT thats less bright than a Shure.