These are as comfortable as I pictured. It has a great battery life and Bluetooth signal works from far also. neff n90 t58tl6en2 Other reviewers have said the range is not great, but usually a person does at least have a clue where they last had their keys and can therefore use the iTrack to find them effectively enough. This is easily overcome with custom key binds, it would have just been nice to have things like mute mic built-in. neff n90 t58tl6en2 Also, the battery life is better than other wireless bluetooth headphones I have had. neff n90 t58tl6en2 My 4 year olds face lit up when he got these yesterday! Compression is gradually reduced with each washing. I will admit to saying I knew quite a bit about Steves ride but reading the book is a whole new experience. neff n90 t58tl6en2 I have a ceramic floor throughout my house, so I wear these instead of going barefoot. With all the stars it was given I thought I could get away with a cheap buy--how wrong I was!
neff n90 t58tl6en2