The Astro A40 TRs ship with open earpads and earplates. Its very sturdy and is holding up well. wdf760sadm3 best flip flops ever bought. The earbuds themselves are discreet, and don’t feel like you’ve got two large strawberries sticking out of your earlobes. wdf760sadm3 I only got half way through a bad assembly (screws not able to go in all the way, leaving the bars wobbly) before I got a blister on my hand from trying to screw them in. wdf760sadm3 Me gusta el diseño de este artículo y lo mejor la oferta en la que los adquirí. so I thought they might be a pain to walk in but was pleasantly surprised. These imitation cushions did not follow the shape of the originals so these cushions just had same sizes on both surfaces of one piece. wdf760sadm3 Sound accuracy felt acceptable. As I said below, I have spent way way way more money on Dansko sandals, but this one has now become my favorite!