Linda This was a birthday present to myself. t93c8djk3 I was hoping they would fit but even having straps on tightest they were still somewhat loose. Del segundo par, uno de los altavoces ha quedado inutilizado porque no carga, con el agravante de que el altavoz no funciona mientras está enchufado. t93c8djk3 Ive been buying these kinds of mobile speakers all the way back to the wired days, and its amazing to see the technology progress. t93c8djk3 Die Gründe dafür waren unter anderem, das die Verbindung regelmässig abgebrochen ist und sich erst dann wieder herstellen lies, wenn die Hörer wieder in die Ladestation gelegt wurden, dies kam manchmal alle 5 Minuten vor, was absolut störend ist. Very poor quality doesn’t look and feel like a real Birkenstock I have a feeling this is a fake one made in China but Amazon is selling it as an authentic Birkenstock at the same price. I know some people do, so the fit may be a bit more snug if you wear them with the slippers. t93c8djk3 The next one 7. These are not meant to use outside at all or will be shredded the moment you start walking.