Ich hoffe das die Schuhe die Dauerbelastung standhalten! These adjustable flip-flops looked promising. gol gala design wala so far they are very comfortable and I can wear them all they without any discomfort. The right headphone piece was hanging by one slender wire. gol gala design wala Y con los pads laterales tenemos que son suficientemente blandos y te permite estar varias horas con ellos sobre las orejas, pero dependiendo de la fuerza de pinza o “clapping” que ejerzan (Esto se puede modificar si abres o cierras mucho los auriculares. gol gala design wala I am at least glad that I tried this $7 set vs the more expensive foam ones I initially considered. I was not happy. Our family took a 16 hour car drive from Florida to Ohio with the luggage of 5 people in the bag. gol gala design wala She does not tight it up and thats why it wobbles. They are definitely still portable and easy to travel with.
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