Son loved these! Everybody knows I love my George Foreman grill, and now that I have my head phones, I won’t have to hear my wife tell me to stop playing Assassins Creed 2 because I “haven’t slept in three days” or whatever. abbigliamento casa The AKG "Professional Headphones" web page identifies only the K712 and K812 as still "Made in Austria". had to buy different brackets to fit my 03 excursion. abbigliamento casa They just arrived so I cannot comment on wearability. abbigliamento casa In some cases the pre drilled holes were not enough so the screws poked out a little even after losening add tightening the screw several times. Easy enough to put together but sent back due to damage. My daughter’s foot is not narrow. abbigliamento casa Came as avertised. Like the red cord, easy to find in my gym bag when I toss them in.
abbigliamento casa