I would have much preferred it if the price was higher but the quality was more in line with the old version. Once that was realized, the sound was wonderful and all was well. movie long story short Unfortunately I missed the return window because I didnt open this perfume until a month later. Id say the sound is great for the price I purchased them at ($29. movie long story short My reading of this situation is that Razer wants the keyboard owners to depend on their software which offers "optional" software and maybe that way they can send ads for additional products or something similar. movie long story short They arrived the same day as my trip so I ran to the store and bought an adhesive velcro fastener which did the trick until I arrived in humid weather and as expected the adhesive velcro I added undid itself. 18mth old daughter loves it. Weil ein Rezensent schrieb, dass der Magnet nicht stark ist: Weil die beigelegte Magnetfolie auch haftet ohne dass man die Schutzfolie vom Klebestreifen abzieht, habe ich das Schlüsselbrett zunächst so an der metallischen Tür befestigt. movie long story short The velcro has an odd texture that touches the head; it does not hurt. He says it is comfortable though so we decided to keep it instead of going thru the hassle of returning & getting a refund.
movie long story short