Kleiner Tip vielleicht noch; gönnt ihm eine längere Einspielzeit. Disappointed in my new Scout Naturalizer sandal. awdis jc001 I really liked the shoes when they arrived, however only a moth later the shoes are ruined. Cant see where theres any natural latex in the item description, but I may be sensitive to other components because a day of wear and Im noticing it by the end. awdis jc001 This product is being sold over the MRP. awdis jc001 I love reef flip flops, Ive worn them for over 20 years. it does have outlet plug inIt did get a little warm it worked great with iPhone & iPad seemed to charge electronics faster. The mic i owned before this was the Rode Broadcaster, which i also REALLY love, but as its a condenser, it picks up ANY noise made in the vicinity of 20 miles lol. awdis jc001 These little wraps have totally changed the look of my air pods. They fit like a glove!
awdis jc001