I am a sales rep, doing a real lot of phone work, and have been using this style of headset for 20 years (Other brands)I am very picky - the important things for me are - sound quality on the customer end, comfort and sound quality on my end. The charging case won’t charge the right hand headphone and they won’t connect with the watch. naira pattern dress photo Other then that music sounds great the comfort in ear is amazing and I would recommend them to anyone that wants a quality product to run with. 子供のアンドロイドスマホにBluetoothで繋げて聞く為に購入。まず、Bluetoothの接続でつまずきました。ペアリングができない。iPhoneには簡単に繋がるのに、、、色々試行錯誤しましたが、アンドロイド スマホの電源を再起動したら、ペアリングができました。次に、Bluetoothと接続の切り方がわからなくて、イヤホンのマグネットをつけたり外したりしていましたが、結果的には、マグネットをくっつけて、電源ボタンを長押ししてBluetoothの接続が切れました。デメリットは、カバンに収納しにくいこと。首の部分が形になっているので、お出かけする時は首につけっぱなしになります。メリットは、紛失しにくい。あと、音量調節ができる点。総合的にコスパもよく満足しています。 naira pattern dress photo great sound naira pattern dress photo I usually leave the 710 connected via USB so its fully charged, when running via battery I had a day of normal use out of it (not constant) with a little juice to spare. Looks-wise? You are wearing rubber clogs. Its a great audio device - one of the best Ive ever owned and heard. naira pattern dress photo Although comfortable there is very little support. What I truly enjoy about the JetStream bars is that my Jaylow J-cradles are significantly more stable and secure on the JetStream bars than the Roundbars, so this has been a welcomed improvement.
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