If cold feet are your problem, these just may be your answer. The battery life is just right so I dont have to worry about running out of power and you can uses these while recharging via microusb. rb2132 52mm SPECIFICALLY FOR THE G933 HEADSET:This headset had everything Ive been looking for and should be what a real Gamer needs, it sounds cringe but its true. Genau so der Klang, der nicht metallisch oder übersteuert ist. rb2132 52mm 5 is the smallest size and I wish they came in 5. rb2132 52mm The pieces used for mounting are different. That one had cellular data capabilities but no calling capabilities. Also, these may not slip in standard environments but in a busy kitchen they slip. rb2132 52mm After ordering a second pair and sending the other ones back the correct set came in. My best guess is that the amazon US 7-8 is more like US 6.
rb2132 52mm