Overall its a great headset for gaming, and consuming shows and films, however, if youre looking to listen to music with these, be warned theres a lot of sound leakage and the overall music experience isnt great. 良い点・ロードがほぼ無い。・映像が綺麗・PS4と良い意味で変わってない・設定が細かい・フォトモードの編集が豊富悪い点・ボリュームが前作より少ない・レイトレONで60fpsがでない。最後に前作よりパワーアップしたスパイダーマンはやっぱり神ゲー。 bala gana dj sO I GOT RID OF IT. Very bad quality and workmanship . bala gana dj WAY too small! bala gana dj Perfect for my small laundry room. There also send to be some outside temperature leaking in and the big toe area even though there isnt any homes there. After having this product for 4 months, one of the earpieces broke loose from the overhead piece. bala gana dj The thumbsticks snap tightly into place & don’t have any “play” once installed. and look good as new.
bala gana dj