It might have been bent during shipment as it was the only piece that was off outside of one flaw in the design where the pull-up bar attaches to the rack. -CORD- Other reviews complained about the cord. rapid shelter sun shade Very modern. This JBL has about the same volume range as the Onyx 3 which is more than enough. rapid shelter sun shade Cons: the anchors they include for the 1/2” bolts to use in sheet rock or masonry are not great. rapid shelter sun shade Hasta hace poco teníamos los zapatos tirados por el suelo y las chaquetas de uso diario abarrotadas en el armario principal. They need to bring back the old method of manufacturing them so your feet will not be dyed the color of the sandal. Or maybe they were the pair on display & folks tried them on. rapid shelter sun shade Confusing that it meant mute of mic instead of mute of ear phones. Teva’s here we come again.
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